Automated operative-dispatch control system for Ilim Group OJSC thermal power plant in Ust-Ilimsk has been commissioned with the participation of SPC Rakurs project team.
SPC Rakurs has completed works on manufacturing and delivery of equipment for Lesogorskaya HPP unit, series of Vuoksinskie hydroelectric power plants (Vyborgskiy district, Leningrad region).
Electric part of regulating and protecting system is one of SPC Rakurs’ standard products. The last implementation was system’s start-up under Ural Turbine Works’ order. Cogeneration turbine Т-113/145-12,4 for Krasnodarskaya TPP combined-cycle plant was the automation object.
SPC Rakurs has shipped hardware and software measuring complex of electric part of regulating and protecting system for steam turbine designed for rotor rotation frequency control at a new steam single-cylinder turbine Т-50/60-8,8 manufactured by the Ural Turbine Works for Petropavlovskaya TPP-2 (AO SevKazEnergo).
SPC Rakurs specialists have commissioned server of Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP hydro unit No. 7. During start-up and adjustment automated control systems of the hydro unit No. 7 have been integrated on Siemens PCS7 equipment and
Rakurs-engineering Ltd. has successfully completed start-up and adjustment testing of group governing of active power (GRAM) system at Ust-Kamenogorsk HPP.
Specialists of Boguchanskaya HPP, Arkhangelsk PPM TPP-1, Razrez-Stepnoy coal company have studied full course program containing four modules: Omron programmable logic controllers, Omron facilities of human-computer interface (NS-terminals), industrial networks and SCADA-system (CX-Supervisor).
In the period from January 23 up to February 3 the course “Omron industrial automation facilities” was conducted in Rakurs training centre.
Modernized Т-110/120-130 turbine manufactured by Ural Turbine Works CJSC, equipped with a modern regulation and protection system, has been successfully put into operation. Т-110/120-130 turbine, Novosibirsk HPP-4 station No. 8 (Siberian Energetic Company, OJSC) has been renovated with the purpose of the recourse extension as well as improving of technical, economic and operational rates.
Control system for Zagorskaya PSHPP hydro unit No. 3 has been put into operation by the beginning of 2012. Control system start-up has completed a complex of works on modernization of...